Sunday, August 16, 2009

Meeting More Family

Lucy met her Aunt Molly and soon to be Uncle Kelly this weekend. Molly is Kris's sister, and she and her fiance drove up from Illinois to meet Lucy. It was a quick visit - They were only here for a couple hours on Saturday afternoon, but Molly just graduated with her bachelor's degree and starts a new job on Monday. (Good luck Molly!) They are also in the middle of planning their October wedding and moving into a new apartment.

Aunt Molly and Uncle Kelly came at a good time. Lucy was awake and very interested in meeting new family members. She also enjoyed hearing Kelly say that the pictures did not do her cuteness justice. We all went to Joe's Crab Shack for dinner, and Lucy slept through the entire meal.

Today Kris, Lucy, and I went to The Little Seedling. This is the store where I bought my Moby wrap for carrying Lucy. The store had a "Baby Wear" class where we learned other ways to use the Moby wrap. It was a good class but Lucy didn't last the entire time. I think she was tired, hungry, and overwhelmed by all the people.

Lucy has also become a night owl. She sleeps from 11PM or Midnight until 2-4AM. From then on she thinks it is party time. It has taken over three hours to get her back to sleep the last couple nights. Hopefully this is a short-lived routine.

More daycares to visit this week and more mommy groups to hang out with. Hope everyone has a good week.

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