Lucy had a great first Halloween. But before I tell you about it, I want to share that her potassium level this past week was 4.2!!! That is a fantastic number, and we are thrilled.
The Halloween festivities began last Friday when we went to a surprise birthday party for Kris's boss. Everyone was dressed up, and Lucy wore her pea pod costume. Unfortunately, the costume was very warm and she didn't stay in it for very long. Happy Birthday Greg!
Lucy helped me carve a pumpkin on Sunday. Actually she just tolerated me putting pumpkin goo on her. I think she enjoyed the plastic bag that she was lying on more.
Kris went to San Diego for a conference this week, so Lucy and I were on our own. Once we got into a routine, we did fine. Lucy also had appointments with Nephrology and the Pediatrician this week. She got 4 shots and wasn't happy.
Our apartment had a Halloween party on Thursday night. Lucy didn't wear her costume, but she did wear her Baby's First Halloween footie-pajamas. It was fun to see all the kids dressed up, and our apartment knows how to throw a good party. On Saturday (Halloween day) we went to a party hosted by a family Lucy and I met at the New Mommies Club. We got to see all of Lucy's friends. It's amazing to see them all getting bigger and the costumes were adorable. Lucy and I dressed up as Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Dr. Seuss's Cat in the Hat. We then went to our friends', the Zwengs, house. Jeanette had a great taco/nacho dinner, and then we took the kids trick or treating. I carried Lucy in her pea pod costume, and I wasn't expecting to get candy, but one house gave Kris and I candy just because Lucy was so cute.
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