Sunday, January 10, 2010

No News is Good News

So I've had multiple inquiries as to why I haven't updated the blog in such a long time. The answer is - we've been busy living our lives. I am going to give you the highlights of the last couple months.

Lucy moved from the bassinet to her crib in early November. She was getting too big and was getting herself stuck in odd positions. She has done well in her crib, but most nights, she ends up back in bed with Kris and I. Lucy slept through the night a couple nights, but has not been doing that recently.

The potassium levels continue to be good. The last one (Jan 4) was 4.7. We continue to give her the sodium supplements but hope to maybe start decreasing them in the next couple months. Lucy is doing very well with breastfeeding and taking bottles, and while she is at a lower percentile for her age, she is growing well.

Thanksgiving was spent in Carlinville with the Schwab Family. We drove down the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and Lucy was able to see a lot of the family that she had met at Aunt Molly's wedding. We returned to Ann Arbor the following Sunday.

December held many Christmas parties. Lucy was able to meet Santa, but she didn't know what to think about his beard. We got a real Christmas tree in early December, and Lucy enjoyed the lights on the tree. We celebrated Lucy's first Christmas Eve and Day with just the three of us. She did a great job of helping to open (lick) her presents.

The Saturday after Christmas, we flew to Minnesota. It was Lucy's first time on an airplane, and she did superior. We had a bit of an issue with a poopy diaper on the flight back, but everything else went smoothly. Lucy met a lot of new family while in Minnesota.

Lucy continues to do well at daycare. She loves going outside in her snowsuit. She has a friend that she likes to lay next to in front of the mirror. They hold each others' hands, suck on each others' fingers, and play with each others' ears. Lucy also has a 2-year old buddy, the sister of one of the boys in her room. Eloise is very sweet to Lucy and helps take care of Lucy by making sure she has her paci when it falls out of Lucy's mouth.

Lucy tried rice cereal for the first time last weekend. We got her a highchair with a fancy toy attachment that she loves. The first time with solids went as expected - messy with more food coming back out than staying in.

Lucy is meeting her developmental milestones nicely. She uses her hands very well, and everything she picks up goes into her mouth. She can roll from back to belly and belly to back if she really wants to. Soon she will be sitting up unassisted.

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